
Sweet Potato-Cassava Dill.

When I was a student in cooking school, our soups teacher wanted to see what her students had in them. When we arrived in class, there were vegetables, fruits and fresh herbs of every sort laid out on a few large working tables. She then entered, and said: " Class, today you are making soup from your head. Figure it out and begin, you have 45 minutes.

Today, at Sacred Chow, we had run out of soup, so I decided to make the soup from soups class. And since it's so interesting, delicious and simple to make: I wanted to share it here. And take note: No gluten, sugar or soy!

Also, I really love the soups name, its sing song polysyllabic sound & origins. The soups roots are African- South American- Caribbean; and it's song: Sweet Po ta to Cas sa va Dill, just makes me sing and smile. If I changed it to say, cassava w sweet potatoes & dill, or any other variation, it just wouldn't have the same rhythm & soul.

Sweet Potato-Cassava Dill

1/4 cup, olive oil
3 large peeled onions, chopped fine
3 1/2 lbs of sweet potatoes, peeled & chopped into medium cubes
3 1/2 lbs of cassava, hard ends chopped off, & its cylinder shape cut into smaller pieces, then peeled till the slight yellow film from the skin is removed & only the white of the cassava remains. Cut into small round cylinders, then cut in half length wise. In the middle will be a woody vein. Cut into smaller pieces, to avoid injury, and remove veins. Then cut into similar shape as sweet potato.
24 ounces, coconut cream
1/4 cup, nutritional yeast
3 tablespoon, sea salt
2 teaspoon, black pepper
1 teaspoon, nutmeg
1 gallon, boiled water
1 bunch dill, place in a bowl of warm water to remove any grit, swish back & forth, let sit so grit falls to bottom of bowl. Remove dill gently from bowl, so you don't disturb grit. Let water drip free. Remove stems, & mince.

Place soup pot onto heated stove, let pot sit on heat for 2-3 minutes.
Next, throw in a few pieces of the chopped onion, if they sizzle, throw In the rest.
Mix onions well w oil, & sear till onions soften.
Next, place the cassava & sweet potato into pot, mix well w onions.
Place next 5 ingredients in pot, mix well. Then slowly pour in water. Stir pot carefully, and cover for 45 minutes or so, till sweet potato & cassava are soft.
Taste to see if more salt or pepper is needed.
If it tastes wonderful, add dill, stir, & serve.

This soup also works well as a bisque. So it is perfect to place it in a blender or use a stick blender, & blend till creamy. For extra texture, boil some cassava separately, and add to bisque.

Serves 15-20.

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