

Today I met my friend Jating after work for our weekly Hoagie-a-thon at Sacred Chow. Now, if you haven't been there I would suggest - no, I DEMAND - that you drop whatever you're doing and run screaming for their door and order the following items: 1) dijon-marinated raw kale, 2) the black olive seitan hero. Never in your life will you experience anything as close to divine as those two food items.


Tinsel Shrimpfax said...

Those hoagies are off the hook!

jatingc said...

don't forget to try their pickled vegetables too!! the dish consist of pickled daikon radish, carrots, green peppers and jalapeno peppers; it's kicky, spicy and delicious. strangely, the jalapenos are the least spicy of the vegetables...somehow, they impart all their spiciness to the other vegetables somehow! sacred chow magic!