
why dont u? be a plant-based burping human too!

i re-read and re-read, and i feel as if i am painting the words into place. each time i see something new, and suddenly a corner appears that i cant see behind. so i wander over there.

the words of the title in the piece below, get out of my way grandpa!, are hurtful, mean and discouraging words. in context, the words are meant to be funny, but u feel the meanness and disrespect. we glean imperfections and hide on the dark side of our own imperfections, and demand perfection from every one. i am better, he's better, she's better! non-stop chatter and poking! argh! my body, his face, my legs, her arms, my height, his breath, my hair, my nose, her skin, her age, my strength, his weight, his race, my smarts, his ideology, his chin, her gender, my sexuality! i am better! no he's better! she's much better! b/c she is, b/c i am, no he is. stop it, stop it! we can not be so mean-spirited and self-centered? but we are! so ha! if i'm writing and we're reading, we are participating together. why dont u?

we all hear, think and partake in the same hushed whispers that we all silently hear, think and partake in no matter where we live, the same hurtful, mean, discouraging words. just different towns, political clowns, and disruptive-pronouns. i put a few "old-style" rhyming ditties together. i call them, the jewish princess snake in four parts, b/c it sounds wilful, humorous and strong.

he's old and he's ugly, he's fat and i'm glad, he looks like a monster, a rag doll and a fag. there was a time, he was, at the top of his class, now he just smells like cobwebs and ass.

i hear he has collected the finest lizard skins, and his wife was a model with the perfect chiseled chin. he's too dark! she's too vapid! what a honey when she was thin! have u seen him lately? what a crime to see him now! oh man, i would of done him but the lizard's now a cow.

did u read about the legend of the jewish princess snake? her tongue flicks in eight parts like a farmer's wooden rake. in nyc in central park they say, she hides in the rambles waiting for her prey. a spell that was cast upon the king, her father's head, turned a new born beauty into something now he dreads. they say she was finer than a classic french bordeaux, now she eats her victims with dijon mustard on a roll.

i am a hyena, i know it for sure, i'm sneaky and creepy, i'll devour you poor. if u look kinda close, it gets kinda gross, so if it's kindness and mindfulness u want, i'd run for the door.

oh that was fun! "frickin' flicking!" run for the door! ha! by nature? a mirror of "stylized" self-contempt, existing only to flick and jabber endlessly, often mindlessly, about others and myself. a spice mix of gross distortion and limited insight with a blend of spiteful insult. what a perfect diet!

but i aim to change mine. it is a tough one though, b/c it's instinctual competitiveness, it's a lonely struggle my dear friends. and a friggin' normal one too! how do we get out of the cesspool of rhythms? practice my friend, practice, reflect inward, change will save the day! a sense of humanity can be nurtured and pulled into mindfulness through acts, gestures, deeds and words of human kindness, comedy and love.
i will find a way to do it every day. i promise to live sacred chow's mission to end of me days. aah, sacred chow your vow i know: slow-down the over-consumption of animal protein, make less carbon and therefore less violence grow!
for sure, consuming animal protein requires a violent struggle to the death. maybe that excited me? bah, bah bacchic! perhaps you enjoy eating "food" that is horrifically scared into the final exit? sexy! and before we stick our forks into that, we are the next step up in the food chain. ready for dinner? great, let's start! pass the frickin' flicking tender genders, race, age, disability, sexual hatred plate down my way. blah, blah, blah, lick my chops! oh, i just love to eat the eyes! it's the burst! we rip into one another and tear each other to shreds, digesting like snakes, with teeth, fingers, and oppressive judgments. burppp! nope, human!
attention: "democracies, autocracies, monarchies" alike! we plant-based burping humans make a big, big, big difference. and that's really something! yes it is!
see, Tuesday, June 3, 2008 blog piece - those damaging methane burps
and, just 25%! from Sunday, June 15, 2008.

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