
a low-carbon day of rest.

sacred chow's rabbi, and my dear friend, zev schwarcz, has guided me towards making sacred chow 100% observant kosher. what does that mean? well, all of our food and wine is 100% kosher certified. but there is more to this than just that, and this has to do with the jewish shabbath, shabbat, which starts every friday at sundown and ends saturday at sundown as well. that means that at a time certain, sacred chow will be following these disciplined orthodox jewish codes 100%. do you or i have to be orthodox? i think this aspect is entirely personal. but i do believe in taking a good hold of the hand of g-d, with zev's wisdom, for it is in this hand, to a large degree, that i find great peace. so i will follow as well as lead sacred chow to its promise to be a truly sacred chow.
what i am hearing from many of our observant kosher patrons is that sacred chow's low carbon vow is a vow taken by the observant, and that the observant are on a mindful search for the calm within the storms of existence. it is a thrilling practice to learn how to consciously control the amount of carbon we are putting out into creation, and it is through this observance, a portal of sorts, that we will assure the earth's survival for the generations. this is so inspiring, a kosher-sustainable dialogue that works collectively to clean-up creation. more than ever, we are creation's full-time garbage collectors!
my vision in building sacred chow is about fairness towards all beings and creation, and making some mother-delicious plant-based grub that is heart healthy and low carbon with an over-abundance of gluten free choices, and 100% kosher. in order to shape sacred chow's spirit to an observant one , i will follow the tenets of orthodox jewish law. and while sacred chow's doors will be open for the friday and saturday shabbos, it will be an experience of prayers, blessings, storytellings and meditations for the sabbath, a low-carbon day of rest. jewish law will be respected in its entirety, seats, food and drink will be pre-purchased and electricity will flow as per the law. from an observant point of view, however interpreted, sacred chow will be low-carbon from sundown to sundown. isnt that amazing! bringing to life a definate, reflective time of low carbon usage for the benefit of creation, all beings and the generations to come. amen!

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