
Consumer Satisfaction, Excellent

Executive Summary on:
Sacred Chow
Ahead of most of the competition, Sacred Chow in New York City has a high level of awareness and an average level of customer loyalty. "tastiest food", "great service", "by far the best vegan brunch" are some of the common sentiments frequent diners have to say about the restaurant. Buzz on Sacred Chow has been consistent and its online community presence is competitive. Customer satisfaction has been consistent over the past six months. Learn more...

Sacred Chow's Overall Score [measuring satisfaction & loyalty] - 73
Sacred Chow's Buzz Score [measuring awareness & frequency of reviews] - 83
Ingredient Scores:

Consumer Satisfaction, How satisfied are consumers with Sacred Chow? Excellent

Consumer Loyalty, How loyal are Sacred Chow's customers? Average

Consumer Awareness, How aware of Sacred Chow are consumers? Excellent

Frequency of Reviews, How frequently is Sacred Chow being reviewed by consumers? Very good

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