
diary posting, hola amigo, 2/10/08 @ 2:13pmest

dear posting,

today my 2,200 day old son woke me up and asked me to remind him how many days old he was and told me this dream. He said, "daddy, blood was coming into the fresh water and it was so toxic, i didnt know if i could even drink it, and i was thirsty. and i asked, "are you scared?" he took 20-30 seconds to answer, his face was looking at me, and his mouth looked ready to drink, he shook his glance into my stare, and asked for apple juice.

ahh, your apple juice my wee son. thanks daddy!

"play legos with me daddy!" and in flash, he quickly skipped into another place; beautiful humming, a little magic work shop where he was a trillion billionaire, sweet new ideas, lego towns, cars and trucks, vroom, vroom. " i need to go to sacred chow hux, do you want to come with me?" " i like obama daddy!" I like him too huxley!" "well hillary clinton smells!" i laughed. he laughed too. and then he said that little boy funny-line, "she smells like doody." more giggles.

"okay i gotta go soon hux, do you want to come to sacred chow?" "no, i wanna build legos!" okay you go build it, and i'll see you later mi amigo!" "okay daddy, see you later mi amigo!" ahh, my wee son!

see you later mi amigo!

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