
come 2 our think-fair!

2 our friends and critics,

making a business operate w minimal violence 2 the world is no easy feat!
perfect? impossible!
our target driving point: think fair.

think fair:
re: carbon output.
re: daily consumption.
re: distribution of our human creativity.
re: equal life support 4 every human life.
re: humane governing of each other.
re: respect, freedom, liberty & joy.
re: sustainable systems.
re: treatment of other beings.

do we have an answer?
come one, come all, come 2 our think-fair!
get there & think fair.
and eat fairer fare right now!


rantingsteve said...

When is it?

stream said...

it's happening as we think. right here. it's up 2 us 2 think fair. let's make it so! we have begun haven't we? yes we have! what started w one, now has 2. come one, come all, come 2 our virtual think-fair! and from here, we will tango w friends and enemies. yes we will. thinking fair, and not so fair. but it's fair 2 say, we're here 2 think fair.