great nighttime atmosphere!
Virtual Fridge Door (Rain Dance)
Tempeh Reubens

3:24 PM Jun 27th
Standard American Diet
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Power of Scent and Sacred Chow
Yesterday after a meeting, my co-worker, Stephen and I decided to grab some lunch. I had heard of a decent Vegan place nearby called Sacred Chow and Stephen (Standard American Diet aka S.A.D. eater) was more than happy to join me! Yay! I didn't have to try to convince him!
For my main dish I had this amazing salad with carrot-ginger dressing. One of the things I love about eating Raw is the remarkable flavor these foods take on. Since I have been eating this way my taste-buds have definitely changed. Flavor is so much more robust and pronounced. A lot of what we taste is enhanced due to our ability to smell and a lot of Rawists I have spoken with comment on having an increased sensitivity to various scents (great in the kitchen, not great in the subway). I myself have even noticed a difference. Not only has increased sensitivity of smell made choosing produce a lot easier and more efficient in many ways (the ripeness of produce can easily be determined by scent in most cases), it has made food preparation really fun and creative. I enjoy sampling Raw dishes (especially sauces and dressings), going home and trying to re-create that very same dish. Needless to say, Sacred Chow gave me a lot of really great ideas and inspiration. The dressing was really easy to create at home and I was even able to match the marinated broccoli florets side-dish.
...and just in case you were wondering, Stephen, my co-worker, S.A.D. eater, loved his Orange Blackstrap B.B.Q. Seitan dish. He even told me he would definitely go back to dine there again.
all of the food is vegan

things i miss from nyc: installment one
i certainly miss sacred chow. this little eatery located near washington square park is a nice escape from the hustle and bustle of nyc. they offer tapas, heros, salads, and desserts! all of the food is vegan with many gluten-free options. they also claim to be 100% hardcore. i like it!
Posted by vegetablediaries on June 23, 2009
creative and delicious cuisine
awesome amazing sandwich
Hamden, CT
For 10 dollars I got an awesome amazing sandwich and coleslaw combo! I had the orange BBQ seitan and it was so tasty. It was on a nice fresh french bread and it was so filling that I was able to share my other half and still be full! The chowslaw was awesome too. I will definitely have to go back to Sacred Chow soon!
Rabbi Zev
Monday, June 22, 2009
Let's support liberty
I know we think that we can't do much just by speaking up or affect the outcome by our support, but by doing nothing we certainly don't accomplish anything.
As is stated by the powerful words (usually misattributed to 18th century Irish philosopher Edmund Burke) "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
bbq seitan
the food was so good
Posted on: Sunday, June 21, 2009
Review: Went to Sacred Chow twice during our trip to NYC. Once for lunch and once for Sunday brunch. For lunch we both had the tempeh reuben sandwich served on fresh tasty bread with sauerkraut. The sauce had a really nice kick to it if you like spicy foods. The sandwich was delicious. We also had very nice cappuccino and lattes. My spinach salad with shiitake mushroom was good but nothing special. The reuben sandwich was really incredible. The restaurant itself is nice. Cute and funky, casual vibe. The only problem was our unfriendly waitress. We arrived just after they opened and we were the only ones in the restaurant (others came in shortly after). Anyway, we did go back for brunch because the food was so good. Luckily she wasn't working and the waiter there was very charming and nice. I had the tempeh hash which was great (tempeh and sweet potato) served with great collards. My friend had the breakfast sandwich with soy buttermilk biscuits. It was a tofu scramble atop the biscuits w/ gravy served w/ collards. I tried some of his and it too was great! Sacred Chow food is really good hopefully the waitress was just having a bad day and normally she's cheerier!
great things
Watermelon Gazpacho
17 June 2009
I just finished eating a giant piece of watermelon. Next to me was my little salt grinder. Now, anyone who's been over to my house to eat at one of my Saturday afternoon food for all knows that I have a bit of a salt thing. You've probably eaten freshly cut fruit from atop my slab of Himalayan pink rock salt (it's shaped like a brick). You know that I use Kosher salt (and only Kosher salt) in my cooking, and I use coarse sea salt in a salt grinder for salting at the table.So when I was staring at that little salt grinder, and wondering what would happen, my brain went back to that Watermelon Gazpacho (which is what it's called, but I couldn't remember the name. See, 09 June 2009 Sweet & Salt.) at Sacred Chow.
If they can use salt on watermelon, why can't I?
On went a few ethereal grains of finely ground salt atop my glistening slice of watermelon. It was almost as if the watermelon slice grew more delicious than it already was! How was it possible that I've waited this long for the magic to happen? I'm quite pleased with my little salt grinder.
The A list
country split pea soup
I went to Sacred Chow last week and it's pretty tasty. I loved the country split pea soup.
vegan master, kosher meister.
dino and reb zev r both my good friends. after reading their recent blog posts, i was struck by how they were really saying the same thing: cookware, dino, and manna from heaven, reb zev. vegan master, kosher meister.
11 June 2009
Yes, it's true. I fantasize about having top of the line cookware, and using all the fancy tools of the trade. I'd have a giant kitchen, with a six burner range, and perfect, heavy cookware, calibrated to handle the high heat of the burners. I'd have a huge cutting board. So huge that I don't have to stabilize it or steady it with my little rubber mats that I use under my current ones.And then I stop and think for a moment. It would be swell to have all those things, but they wouldn't be quite the same. I remember the day that I walked up and down Manhattan, on the hunt for cookware that I could easily afford. I found a wok, and a giant stew pot, and another pot or three. They all cost less than $10, and were light enough for me to carry back to work, and then onwards to home.
Home. I didn't think I'd ever call it that, when it's just me and my husband, but there it is.
I remember trawling the shelves of all the stores to find good sturdy knives to cook with. Then, all that time I saved and scrimped to have enough money to buy that giant granite mortar and pestle. Then, I found that really inexpensive cast iron skillet, and fell in love. And THEN there was that one day that I was in a thrift store, and I saw a carbon stainless steel wok, that had never been used, marked at $5. I was silently thrilled as I paid. It even came with a lid!
When I really think about the cookware that I covet, I'd have to say that my mother's beat up old wok calls to my heart much more strongly than the fancy ones that are on the store shelves and cost what I pay in rent every month. I treasure my little cast iron skillet far more than any amount of $300 cast iron enamel cookware from the expensive department stores. My wok, that I seasoned all by myself, with my own two hands, that cooked all those countless meals for the love of my life, and all the friends that have passed through our home and life, is far more precious to me than that six burner range.
And of course, there's my beautiful mortar and pestle. He's ever faithful, and ready to do any amount of work that I ask him to do. He's a dear friend whom I've grown to care for more than I ever could a fancy marble number displayed at a cookware store.
I guess I don't want more than what I have. I love my cookware, because I worked for it, and in it, and with it. The sweat of my brow paid for it, and that same sweat created lovely dishes for the people that I care about the most.
Furthermore, I know every tiny bit of my cookware. I am quite used to their little bumps and dings and imperfections, and I love them anyway.
It's nice to know that what I have is far more worthwhile than any amount of money (although, if someone is looking to give me money, I wouldn't reject it by any means). I have the love of my friends and family, and that matters to me. So if you see or hear me talking endlessly about fancy tools and the rest, understand that it's exactly that: fancies that I dream of. For me, the reality is far more satisfying
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thought on the Parsha (Torah Portion)
Manna from HeavenGood Shabbos all!
In this week's Parsha you find that the Israelis in the desert were complaining that they had no meat or fish (although they had the miraculous manna from heaven).
However the Torah doesn't say that they desired meat, rather it says that they desired a "desire" or in other words they just wanted to want something. They just felt they should be getting more.
They were actually searching to find something they could crave;
or they were just looking for a reason not to be satisfied.
And this attitude was the beginning of the downturn which eventually led to having to spend the next 40 years in the desert.
We have to look at ourselves and see if we are satisfied. Are we grateful for all the good/manna we have or are we being influenced by a entitlement mentality that just tells us take more, more, and more? I don't even know what I want but I deserve it and I need it! In the midst of our current global downturn, we must stop and think, now: do we have the miraculous manna from heaven? Yes we do! And we must share this goodness, as there is enough.
come 2 our think-fair!
making a business operate w minimal violence 2 the world is no easy feat!
perfect? impossible!
our target driving point: think fair.
think fair:
re: carbon output.
re: daily consumption.
re: distribution of our human creativity.
re: equal life support 4 every human life.
re: humane governing of each other.
re: respect, freedom, liberty & joy.
re: sustainable systems.
re: treatment of other beings.
do we have an answer?
come one, come all, come 2 our think-fair!
get there & think fair.
and eat fairer fare right now!
favorite vegan brunch spot
I went to my favorite vegan brunch spot in the city, and that is Sacred Chow. They are on one of my favorite streets in Manhattan, Sullivan St. I love it because it's such a quiet, residential block in Greenwich Village. Also, Peanut Butter & Co. is right across the street! How awesome is that?!

Kosher Blog
like a florentine cookie.
Unfortunately, it was much too hot to eat in at Sacred Chow on the day I went (no A/C?), so we just did some dessert take-out. The server was nice and we didn't have to wait long.
Macaroons were ENORMOUS & served with delicious berry jelly. I would have preferred the macaroon to have been a little sweeter, though. Well the menu did indicate that it was sugar-free.
Chocolate "Halva" pie was real good: thick, very-chocolatey pudding filling, a thin layer of sweet sesame (?)& a crunchy sweet crust like a florentine cookie.
The Sinner Bar: THE CLEAR WINNER b/c it was exactly the right proportion for a chocoholic: THICK dark chocolate bar filled with a coconut-caramely mixture.
Good thing I was with my mom b/c I can't think of anyone else I would have actually shared that deliciousness with.
Peter Luger's Steakhouse we're not!
Review from Health Department.
Non-food contact surface improperly constructed
Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained.
Let's compare our results to Peter Luger's Steakhouse. Where murder happens, so does horrible filth.
AND they're not even Kosher!
Their review.
1.) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist.
2.) Evidence of flying insects or live flying insects present in facility's food and/or non-food areas.
3.) Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility's food and/or non-food areas.
4.) Food item spoiled, adulterated, contaminated or cross-contaminated.
Here was their past review:
1.) Non-food contact surface improperly constructed. Unacceptable material used. Non-food contact surface or equipment improperly maintained.
2.) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to vermin exist.
Huh. Still with the vermin. You want I should show you how to get rid of them? Guess improvement doesn't happen at such places.
And here's an email from Lee Hall, of Friends of Animals:
I'm with you, Cliff! So glad to know you've made your spot ALL-VEGAN! Integrity (in every sense of the word) is what I like best in any enterprise, person, or project -- it gives us all hope for the future and the present. Love & liberation,
Lee (Friends of Animals)
Thank you, Lee, for the kind words. We're with you too, in the never-ending quest to make the world a kinder place for all beings.
Ohh Canada!!!
Then one day two years ago, she had trouble standing.
A colleague called 911, and an ambulance rushed her to the nearest hospital.
“An emergency room doctor met me at the door, and they took me straight upstairs to the CT scan,” she recalled. A neurologist explained that she had suffered a stroke.
Ms. Tucker spent a week at the hospital. “The doctors were great, although there were also a couple of jerks,” she said. “The nursing staff was wonderful.”
“They never spoke to me about money,” she said. “Not when I checked in, and not when I left.”
Ms. Tucker underwent three months of rehabilitation, including physical therapy several times a week. Again there was no charge, no co-payment.
Then, last year, Ms. Tucker fainted while on a visit to San Francisco, and an ambulance rushed her to the nearest hospital. But this was in the United States, so the person meeting her at the emergency room door wasn’t a doctor.“The first person I saw was a lady with a computer,” she said, “asking me how I intended to pay the bill.” Ms. Tucker did, in fact, have insurance, but she was told she would have to pay herself and seek reimbursement. Nothing was seriously wrong, and the hospital discharged her after five hours. The bill came to $8,789.29. Another advantage of the Canadian system, she says, is that it emphasizes preventive care.
No doubt there are some genuine horror stories in Canada, as there are here in the United States.
But the bottom line is that America’s health care system spends nearly twice as much per person as Canada’s (building the wealth of hospital tycoons). Yet our infant mortality rate is 40 percent higher than Canada’s, and American mothers are 57 percent more likely to die in childbirth than Canadian ones.
BBQ Seitan!
5:47 PM Jun 3rd from nattnightly
gluten free food
vegan macaroons
mouthfeel heaven
makes me happy!
Asked by ahimsa16 5/23/09
Vegetarian Paradise 2 on west 4th definitely. Red Bamboo, next door to VP2 for more “comfort” vegan food (vegan chicken parm…...mmmmmm). Blossom Gourmet Vegan, on 9th ave in Chelsea for fancy vegan food. AMAZING Sacred Chow on Sullivan street in the Village is so healthy and makes me happy! Kate’s Joint on Ave B & East 4th has KILLER mashed potatoes and ‘buffalo’ wings.
Amurph (297)
Green Living?
This you tube piece was sent to Michah a.k.a. Cliff from his ol' pal Shoekie a.k.a. Josh (originally from New York & Jerusalem)& his wife, Elana (originally from Tel Aviv). Their wee kinder, Adi, acted in this a mockumentary on green living. The movie was made last summer at the Colombia Gorge School of Theater in Portland, Oregon. Warm scenery, pretty music and delicious poetry. Enjoy!
reveries, 9/11 pain.
Hates flame, destruction,
steel & skin, melt, both colossal.
Ascension into the mouth of creation,
elements reintegrating.
9/13/2001, nyc.
new York.
Oh my York of York: will you ever be new?
can you ever feel safe? Be new, be new,
do not seed hates growth, be kind,
and be new, be new, be new my new York.
9/13/2001, nyc.
cp moore
little new one.
Oh little York or Huxley or Aurelius growing in mommy's belly -
I saw you dance at 8 weeks and 4/5 days, I saw
you wiggle your fingers and toes when you were
10 weeks, you are fire in water, a magician!
Oh my little new one, we will build a house of hope.
9/13/2001, nyc.
cp moore
Collective Gasp.
On 6th Ave and Waverly, down they tumbled,
together we watched the towers of mighty, how small
we were next their grandeur one moment,
how small we are.
Humbled, together, crushed - a pancake of hatred,
not sweet.
No doubt, we are in this together,
we are, even sons with knives.
9/14/2001 @ 11:13am , 9/16/2001 @ 8:08pm, 9/17/2001@ 7:05pm, nyc.
cp moore
dear life, the only thing I can control is me,
human form for just a moment, I see - violence erupts instinctively;
hurricanes, earthquakes, destruction's gate, there is a simple way from
human hate.
(i love u!)
9/14/2001, @ 11:38am, nyc.
cp moore
i met him as a child and i grew into a man,
my rage rumbled outward, it developed a plan,
it was this one or that one, with shouts of g-d damn;
delicate by nature, so angry the man.
9/14/2001. @ 12:24 pm, nyc.
cp moore
Eternity we are, forever we’ll be,
from within and without – electrons simply.
An energy rippling into the sky,
a miracle, a wonder, a part of
g-d’s eye. Teardrops from memories,
nostalgia we knew, this burnings connected,
eternity renewed.
9/14/2001 @ 12:52pm, 9/17/2001 @7:32pm, nyc.
cp moore
A Simple Prayer.
rich, pure love, dignity;
quiet, reach inward and summon -
the power of all creation, the complex miracle of being,
and practice: human kindness.
9/14/2001 @ 1:12pm , 9/16/2001@ 6:54pm, 9/17/2001 @ 7:45pm, nyc.
cp moore
The Devil’s Cigar.
Thunderous rivers of billowing smoke,
alone with the night, my throat and I choke.
I wonder, I wonder and really I pray,
I sit and I ponder, away and away -
a child, a father, a mother, a land, wherever i go,
it’s Destiny’s plan. A decision, a way, of how not to be:
I’ll travel the road, my own history.
The Lesson before me is simple and clear,
kindness I honor, and all I revere.
9/16/2001 @9:13pm, nyc
cp moore
Sound & Sight.
To everyone, everywhere, N.Y.C.: BIG, LOUD!
It's quiet now: just church bells & sirens;
the police officers and firemen: they're not the same.
It's a small town with ghost streets,
you can hear the "open" neon signs hum.
After 10PM, at Spring and Houston, Mister Softee is serving a large crowd;
transfixed on the new amusement park.
9/17/2001 @ 9:44pm, nyc.
cp moore
Acrid Rain.
i want them to be found,
uncovered with cheer,
i see them and hear them,
3,000 clear. they’re inside a big box
of metal I’m sure, protected
and waiting, extremely secure .
a blue day so quiet with birds
in the sky, I walk like a zombie,
one death defied. i stop and i tremble with
others that pray, our teardrops fall gently
near pictures they lay.
it’s gloomy and wet, unlike yesterday,
the smoke that’s been
rising is hidden away.
a new moment i cherish, a game that i play,
i say over and over, they’re not far away.
they’re inside this big box, sealed tight and quite safe,
i know it and feel it, but then i awake.
a smell that is drifting, a seared odor from then,
it’s september 11th all over again.
September 20, 2001 @ 6:54 pm, nyc.
cp moore.
The Smoking Rubble.
On Thursday, it was cloudy,
a foggy downtown, the smoking rubble waits.
Everyone on the street,
Everyone in Times Square, in China, in Baghdad,
Everyone everywhere.
Every motion that we make,
Every image that we see,
Every feeling that we feel for every life & every tree.
Everything that we know,
Everything that we don’t, from the stars in the sky to the plans for you & i.
Every life that will be,
Every life that will not,
Everything is connected by molecular dots.
sacred chow loves aveggiegirl!
sacred chow loves aveggiegirl!
54 Buzz See who's buzzing »
The Buzz ranges from 1-100, and is based on Foodie
activity and date the content was submitted.
Hometown: World
June 2009
- Favorites:Restaurants, Wild Ginger, Sacred Chow
Cringe Inducing: Anything Meat!
Support Proposition ATE!

Happy LGBT Pride Month, all. We are supportive of all people, from all walks of life, and of all different sexualities, and gender expressions. We support equality of marriage, rights, and all other forms of equality for all people.
However you show your love to one another, just know that you should be doing just that. :) We love you all.
Sacred Chow Gets the Tav!
June 2, 2009Add another great kosher restaurant to the list! Sacred Chow, a super hip, super cool, super cheap, super delicious restaurant in Greenwich Village (227 Sullivan Street, NYC 10012 (b/w W3 & Bleecker)) is now Tav HaYosher certified! Its kashrus is supervised by the International Kosher Council. Enjoy!