
and the leaf fairy made yummy granola.

here's a story from huxley.

i know of a tiny vegetarian dinosaur that lives in the dark, dark forest. he became friends w a leaf fairy who lived in the forest too. the dinosaur and the leaf fairy were the only two of their kind left on earth, which is why they lived in the dark, dark forest. they are almost impossible to find! one day, in the darkness of my dad's closet, which is filled w pillows and blankets, the tiny dinosaur appeared and pulled me through the wall. it was really dark, and this is what he told me: i am always hungry but boy am i lucky! and dont worry i wont eat u! w that out of the way, he told me about his friend the leaf fairy who was a great cook and created the most delicious dew-bark milk. (yes, i got the recipe dad!) he continued, we're best friends, and share everything, and eat wonderful meals of sweet, crispy leaves, crunchy sticks w/ dew-bark milk. he said, one day they were talking, walking and flying in a new part of the dark, dark forest and stumbled upon a really shiny black and white skunk who lived in the forest too. he told me that the air smelled of skunk perfume, which smelled good, and that, the skunk lived in a part of the dark, dark forest that was filled with berries and nuts. because he was shiny, the sun and the moon would bounce off his fur and give so much light to the forest. the dinosaur and the leaf fairy were amazed w/ his gift, and this made the shiny skunk reflect even more light. and this made colorful, sweet smelling flowers grow. so they all decided to live together. and the leaf fairy made yummy granola.

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